Sooooooo does anyone else find this Niobe labs puzzle thing kinda dumb? Why does bungie think we want to watch streamers figure out a puzzle?
Edit: this twitter thread sums up how I feel.
Edit 2: another good article about the problems with Niobe Labs
Edit 3: from Mayhem420 in this discussion:
The last forge will be available at 2PM PST based on bungies twitter
Edited by AAAnoFOO4u: 1/9/2019 7:08:47 PMPuzzles simply can not be front-line sequential gating of new content, Period. Puzzles need to be blended into the new content as a bonus feature. In-game cipher connections are cool, but linking this stuff to advanced encryption, linking to coding techniques OUTSIDE the game is just wacky and almost elitist. It's pretty bad when simple concepts like bonus features and elitist challenges become the gating factor, and primarily, the only sizzle in a watered down product. If a DVD required you to watch all the bonus features for 24+ hours before the actual Movie starts, would you trash the disk or watch for the 24 hours of extras?