No friggin way I would have gotten Outbreak Prime on my own... I stand on the shoulders of giants and I don’t mind admitting it.
Also Outbreak Prime had an algorithm that players figured out and actively helped each other. Most of the streamers had chat set to sub only so even if you were watching you really couldn't help them, or they'd just say "tried that already". These fools were about to study the creation of the universe it became that ridiculous.
Of course—me too. On the other hand, we were allowed to do the raid without solving the Outbreak Prime puzzle. In this situation, we’re not allowed to do the forge [i]until [/i]one of us solves the equivalent of the outbreak prime puzzle.
Yup, I hear you. I suppose I’m a bit more casual than some — I only unlocked Izanami a few hours before the reset, welll behind the curve of most on these forums. I suppose I don’t mind the wait as much as others, but to each their own. It’s just that by the time it’s unlocked, I’ll probably [i]still[/i] be grinding through all the frames available via the other forges. The community has very clearly spoken here, so I’ll admit I’m in the minority on this one!