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1/11/2019 9:07:05 PM

My idea on shaders

So um, no offense Bungie (if one of you even read this) but shaders system on Destiny 2 is quite garbage, but I have an idea that might make stuff better When I talk to my friends about shaders, and all of them say what they really want, most of them, impressively say they just want full colored shaders. Whole black, whole white, whole red, whole pink... just a shader that makes every part of the armor piece or gun the same color (only getting a little darker and lighter on marks and cloaks details). A good solution would be adding them directly to player inventory, which is the lazy and boring way. Alternatively, there is the exciting and worky way, adding a quest given by Eva Levante, in which the guardian has to invade a Cabal base, in search for a lost package she beleives the Red Legion stole from her during the war. The guardian then discovers that the Rex Legion never stole it, and it was still where she left it. The Guardian then revisits the old tower (in secret because Zavala is a dumb strict place guy), goes to Eva's old shop and retrieves a package for her, that contains a pack of whole colored shaders, that are infinite, different from the ones we have. From all the shaders in the pack the player would receive only part of them, having to buy the rest with glimmer or doing weekly missions for Eva, for a random shader In the visit, the player can see the old tower (which in my opinion should be still a safe zone, only there for the visit and with no combat, it's the walls tower after all), wrecked but still standing. We could go and visit the places we miss from the tower, the vanguard room, the hangar, the speakers place (and for me, the fan on top of Eververse), and that mission would be like Thunderlord, a nostalgic visit to a Destiny 1 place everyone misses I even thought of a name for the quest, "The Colors of the Past"

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