It’s stupid. For one thing you use them in increments of six which makes holding fifteen seem like a rather arbitrary number. Also it would have been nice to know that I could only hold fifteen Modulus Reports before I turned in about thirty two reports between my three characters only to find out that I was capped out at the aforementioned fifteen and that the other seventeen reports vanished right down the crapper. Thanks Bungie for screwing me over - yet again. “Bungie, thou art shadier than an Ahamkara”.
*fits a whole -blam!-ing forest in backpack* *cant find room for 15 ipads*
No it isnt'. Its to force you to USE the game's currencies rather than endlessly stockpiling them. Most of this game's progression issues are due to people hoarding bounties and then turning them in at times designed to DEFEAT the game's design. Nice to see Bungie get ahead of this for a change, rather than reacting after the fact.
at very least make cap match purchase potential. always have odd number left over.
If there was no cap, we would be able to farm frames much more efficiently, which is no bueno. Gotta do everything they can to artificially increase playtime of their paper thin black armory content. Case in point: return to ada-1.
I agree that 15 seems silly maybe 18 or 24 would be better but I'm also for removing the cap all together so you can use them on the frame you really want
That is different. Baryon Boughs are open-world(even though it isn’t really open) resources. You don’t see people randomly picking up module reports off of black vault walls, do you? Shards are closer. You should be able to have about 200.
Because the investment team wants you to play a certain ammounts of hours and how they want
go to ada hit right on dpad spend ur reports the go collect more
why on earth do you have that many Boughs? for god sakes man use the delete button
Bungie: you can now only carry 10 or each resource. Your welcome.
Bungie: “we’re reducing the amount of Baryon Boughs you can carry”
Elite tier Hunter mains community - old
D1 vet and top tier player here. I agree as a top tier player and D1 vet. -
The caps are unnecessary. Everything (except glimmer, shards & bright dust) should cap at 999 or at least 99, like the good old traditional games. Also, don’t make them disappear after weekly resets. Don’t screw around with what works. It’s painfully obvious you’re just trying to artificially extend the play time, without even being covert or thoughtful about it. What a pathetic joke of a company you have become.
D2: Time Wasting Simulator - old
It lets them control the pace at which you play. God forbid you hold more than 15 and play at your own pace. Just another dumb-blam!- idea to keep you playing as long as possible while completing much less each session. -
its like rupees in zelda you're trying to tell me Link can hold a literal wrecking ball but can't hold more than 100 rupees?
The way of the bung #clown circus
Use them to buy some heavy ammo synths....... oh wait.
I get your point but those are the most important planet materials since it is the easiest armor to get with enhanced perks.
They could give them the ghost treatment, maybe you're allowed to carry up to 100 modulus reports?
Yeah its crazy how i can carry these 650 enhancement cores but on 15 reports. So dumb
I dont understand the caps on reports, fragments, and Glimmer. If you put the play time in, you should get to hold as many of an item as your inventory space allows. All the report cap does is make dry forge runs necessary.
Not to mention the cap of 20 Ghost Fragments. I understand that Ghost probably doesn't want to be holding on to the remains of his dead relatives, but Spider demands it.
If I could buy raid banners with my thousands of barons bough, I'd be so happy.
Petra should sell stuff like every other vendor so there's a use for them. Random rolls like the gunsmith. I know we can buy tinctures but it doen't even make a dent in my inventory.