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1/17/2019 7:41:17 AM


Honestly nerfing is never a good option. Telesto might be the only shotgun counter and people who do not play with a shotgun what the hell are we gonna play with now. If the meta was not shotgun, plus rifle I would not have been using telesto but I can't play with auto rifles or scouts anymore, neither I play with shotgun or hand cannons that's not my play style. And let's be honest me being a telesto user I promise I I have dodged 7 out 10 telestoes shot at me. The power and damage of the gun should not be nerfed it's a freaking exotic for gods sake an exotic should be that powerful not a legendary shotgun With all of that I do agree there is a level of unfairness to telesto and is the range. I honestly had too many ridiculous moments where I shouldn't reach guardians with a fusion but purple magic pervails. I think the telesto clusters should not travel that far but it's a fusion in the end a fusion is a one shot, telesto has been my favorite weapon since I got it first in destiny one I use it in both pvp and pve. Now that it's being nerfed i am left with nothing and nova warp is gone too. I honestly hate the shotgun Meta and will always hate this way of aggressive play is so annoying. I can't use scouts, auto rules, and my fusion now. Pvp is a complete mess with u or without u nerfing the telesto and honestly people who die to bad telesto users are to blame. Everyone is running with a shotgun that's why they are dying from telesto traps waiting for them. I bet other people who don't use shotguns that often don't complain as much about telesto. Am just waiting for you to also mess it up more and nerf jotun oohh Cruz it has a lame tracking but still kills in skilled hands. Thank you for robbing me of my favorite weapon just when I got to use it again as a secondary.

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  • Sorry bud but yes it does. Total noob gun.

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  • Edited by blade329: 1/18/2019 4:04:58 PM
    Not that I really care about the PvP meta, but if they ruin Telesto for PvE I'm going to be very pissed. The main reason I don't want to see it nerfed in PvP, is because I love seeing in the Cruci-Pansies around here bitch and moan about it. That's the only reason I use it now exclusively in PvP. I hope I bag a ton of these snowflakes in Iron Banner.

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    3 Replies
    • Thank you, I came to the forums to say roughly the same thing. Still don't understand why Bungie didn't go after shotguns, ridiculous how they insta- kill and require very little aim. Melee attacks in pvp are almost obsolete as a result of shotguns.

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      • Agree and I guarantee almost everyone who wants it nerfed, calls it a crutch or says it's too easy to use are shotgun users and most of them average more shotgun kills a game than the average Telesto user. They're also hypocrites saying a weapon with a charge time requires no skill, but pretending shotguns do. They just don't want to have to LEARN how to counter what is one of the easiest weapons to not die to in the game. Like you I almost never die to players using it. Most that use it never kill me, and if someone does, they don't do it multiple times in a match. All it takes is one visit to to see how high a % of kills come from shotguns vs every other special weapon to see what the broken weapon class is and one more thing to all the shotgun users out there. If the Telesto nerf is too harsh and shotgun kills go up, you're the ones getting nerfed next because Telesto is the one weapon allowing your shotguns to be as good as they are. Food for thought.

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        6 Replies
        • Ah yes, seems like you need the crutch. People say LH or NF are broken. Please, try facing a team with 4 of those poprock shooters. It's the most frustrating thing since you can just watch them flood the map with purple BS. Too bad it didn't get a bigger nerf.

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        • Just keep using telesto. Only 1 more bolt needs to hit.

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        • Wouldn't need a nerf if the fun was out back in the heavy slot where it belongs along with shotguns.

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        • Nerfs are needed in PvP, but the same adjustments do not and never have been needed for PvE. The major problem with this game is the sandbox and they have always been the issue between D1 and D2. These guys literally do not know what small adjustments are to see how things play out. It's always overdoing it whether it's nerfs or buffs. It's why they're so many unnecessary nerfs that take place in this game. Let's make 1 or 2 things OP and when they cry enough nerf them and make something else OP so they chase that and the vicious cycle just continues. After 4 years of this sandbox claiming they have a chart for every aspect of everything in this game? They sure as hell don't know how to use their own "chart".

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          7 Replies
          • Too late, the streamers have spoken.

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          • "might be the only shotgun counter" well have you tried, I don't know, getting good with literally any other weapon

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          • I agree, but the splitter needed a nerf. Or every should have one in a special game mode.

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            • Lol nice crutch

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            • Telesto has an insane range its a counter to every gun in the game....

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              6 Replies
              • It's a good day when you see a telesto maining nova warp whining about both getting nerfed. I guess you will have to actually use skill to get kills now, bummer dude.

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                • It’s not being nerfed. It’s being fixed. It does the damage of an erentil arc-type, while having the charge time of main ingredient. Bungie is just making the charge time match the damage output.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Telesto isn't even good. I'll take shotgun any day. I recently got it, and it sucks ass compared to shotguns. By the time it's charged, I'm dead from a shotgun, and the pellets, even if I land all, never kill. Also I've never been killed by it

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                  • Well bungie said they are looking into shotguns, its about time the meta changed, I want to use a sword without being blasted by 9 meters from a dust rock blues

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                  • So, a weapon which has: No drop off Higher damage than its archetype Can stick to walls and detonate as a delayed explosion Can score multikills with a single shot Shouldn't be nerfed? Telesto has been my baby ever since CoO and i feel your pain But if its to balance the game then so be it, one recommendation i'd make is the loaded question My new favourite in crucible

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                    • Edited by OhhhhMyculooooo: 1/18/2019 2:55:30 PM
                      [quote]Honestly nerfing is never a good option. Telesto might be the only shotgun counter and people who do not play with a shotgun what the hell are we gonna play with now. If the meta was not shotgun, plus rifle I would not have been using telesto but I can't play with auto rifles or scouts anymore, neither I play with shotgun or hand cannons that's not my play style. And let's be honest me being a telesto user I promise I I have dodged 7 out 10 telestoes shot at me. The power and damage of the gun should not be nerfed it's a freaking exotic for gods sake an exotic should be that powerful not a legendary shotgun With all of that I do agree there is a level of unfairness to telesto and is the range. I honestly had too many ridiculous moments where I shouldn't reach guardians with a fusion but purple magic pervails. I think the telesto clusters should not travel that far but it's a fusion in the end a fusion is a one shot, telesto has been my favorite weapon since I got it first in destiny one I use it in both pvp and pve. Now that it's being nerfed i am left with nothing and nova warp is gone too. I honestly hate the shotgun Meta and will always hate this way of aggressive play is so annoying. I can't use scouts, auto rules, and my fusion now. Pvp is a complete mess with u or without u nerfing the telesto and honestly people who die to bad telesto users are to blame. Everyone is running with a shotgun that's why they are dying from telesto traps waiting for them. I bet other people who don't use shotguns that often don't complain as much about telesto. Am just waiting for you to also mess it up more and nerf jotun oohh Cruz it has a lame tracking but still kills in skilled hands. Thank you for robbing me of my favorite weapon just when I got to use it again as a secondary.[/quote] Chesse scrubs use this. Did u you use telesto in d1 nope hmmmm. Listen I know you are not good so gettgood to be good

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                    • So In short, the most overpowered subclass and the most overpowered fusion rifle are the only things in this game that you know how to Also, You didn’t use telesto in do I know? Because NOBODY used it, it was trash. Don’t worry though, you’ll find your next crutch soon, only a matter of time. Be sure to head straight to YouTube on the 29th of this month and a youtuber will tell you which gun is the easiest to use and how to get it.

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                    • This is just fun to read. I didn't really care either way, but watching people try and defend their favorite weapon by saying the crucible is a mess is ALWAYS the best way to get attention haha

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                    • 1
                      I mean, all that's being done is rebalancing its archetype. It currently has the charge rate of Main Ingreidient, but does the damage of a max impact Erentil. Afterwards, it'll either have the same charge time but do less damage, or do the same damage with a longer charge time. It'll still be usable for making traps and have kill potential even if you miss the target, as well as no damage dropoff due to its explosive nature, unlike every other Special Ammo Fusion Rifle in the game. It currently breaks its archetype without needing any form of buildup, and most likely wasn't designed to do so. Unlike Luna's Howl/NF, Sturm Overhcharged Rounds from Drang, Desperado on Redrix, Kill Clip on many guns, Izanagi's Burden, etc.

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                      2 Replies
                      • How about put it back into the heavy slot instead? 🤔😂

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                      • Time to find a new crutch ;)

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                      • Hhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhah hope it’s ****ed into the ground hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

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                      • Telescope is for noobs who can’t think of nothing else to counter shotguns with. It definitely needs a nerf.

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