I'm looking for an active clan on PST, ps4. Last few clans I've been in weren't very welcoming and cliques within the clan made it impossible others and I to participate in endgame content. Dont want to deal with that anymore.
Darkness Arrives PS4 D2 only 18+ Mic required for raids <------ Discord Required <------------ Having Fun Required <----------- We are experienced admins that are down to earth. We have a very well setup discord server(im a bit ocd). Discord is required no exceptions. 18+ only. We are a big clan with small clan mentality. We have very proactive members. They enjoy teaching any aspect of the game. There is no clan hierarchy, we are all one clan. We are lightly admin'd. We dont have any "must do this" "must play this" Its just a game to have fun. We are a raid clan. Any experience level welcome. Many raids run weekly. Teaching and Experienced only quick runs. We do purge inactives. This is so there are always people to help. We are world wide everyone is welcome. Know enough english to communicate. Family always comes first before the game no matter the activity being done. Come join us, come be part of an awesome team. Very laid back clan, no out of the ordinary requirements. Discord is required. That is where all clan text chat and help is setup at. All speak chat is done through psn party chat. All 4 clans use 1 discord. TLDR: any experience accepted, 18+ only, discord required, family always first, and have fun Darkness Arrives North America https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3199593 Darkness Arrives Darkside North America https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3504770 Darkness Arrives X North America https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3632571 Darkness Arrives Chaos UK/EU time zone https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3665612 .