originally posted in:Clan Finder
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[u][b]ENROLLMENT OPEN - XBOX ONLY[/b][/u] - PSN/BLIZ sorry, will have to remove if you join on accident
[b]Disciple of Xur (DXUR)[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=765941
[b]Disciple of Cayde (DCAY)[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3159977
[b][url=https://sites.google.com/view/dxurdcay/home]DXUR/DCAY Clan Website[/url][/b]
Ever find yourself stuck in a clan, where no one ever says anything and you just sort of...co-exist? Maybe you're the only one left who seems to ever actually PLAY the game anymore. No one is ever available to raid, shoot others in Crucible or listen to how it's gonna be "alright alright alright" in Gambit?
Well, have I got a clan for you! Actually, 2 of them joined together in Discord. We regularly audit player activity to make sure we have an active community. The expectation is simply that you 1) play Destiny 2 at least once every other week and 2) you connect with clan mates in Discord to find groups. That's it!
[u][b]Who are we?[/b][/u]
We are a group of people who work, live life and play games! A clan that was established several years ago, we have built a structure to help you & your clan mates connect for all game content. The clan consists of people from the US & UK that enjoy playing Destiny 2 casually. To keep it more personal, we limit ourselves to the 2 clans (DCAY & DXUR) so as to avoid overwhelming people with a ton of members. 100 members was not enough, but more than 200 would be too many. Welcome to the sweet spot in the middle!
Discord keeps clan communications simple & organized. If you aren't familiar with it, no worries! It is a free and easy phone app (can be used in browser, too) that provides you with a multitude of tools while simplifying the process of LFG. We migrated to Discord a few years ago due to Bungie's clan chats being overly simplistic and unreliable. [b]NOTE[/b]: We only use Discord for text communications. Audio comms are the usual Xbox Live party chats
The nitty gritty:
1) [b]No requirement regarding experience, power level or weapons.[/b] Anyone 16+ of age can join if they play the game and are a decent person. It's about having a community to play with, not being an elite.
2) [b]Join and engage in the clan Discord server[/b]. Once you are accepted into the clan join the Discord server (link in the clan Bungie chat, ironically). If you don't already have a [url=https://discordapp.com/]Discord account[/url] it is free & easy to set up. If you are joining the clan, [u]you are agreeing to participate at least intermittently in text chats[/u], even if it’s just to find a group. We have a pruning system set up where inactivity over extended times (w/o notice to an admin) will remove members from the server.
3) [b]16+ yrs of age[/b]. We tried having this open to everyone before, but have found that it causes a lot of issue with mature engagement. So please be 16 years or older when requesting to join.
4) [u][b]Play Destiny 2 at least once every week or two[/b][/u]. Exceptions will be made, of course. But please don't join the clan to idle in your spot while barely picking up the game. Our focus is on D2 but we also encourage people to connect to play other games in one of our Discord channels.
You guys sound like what I am looking for. I'm 28, from the US and laid back. Casually play as much as work/family permits. I sent a request and look forward to talking to y'all.