Official Post:
Today, some social justice work of the local residence has decide to make a statement which can be considered heavily offensive.
Pointing out that females who put their actual image of themselves on Xbox live or anyone else is “Suggestive”.
This statement is rooted from “Over-protectiveness”, a noble cause...
However, over-protective does not lead to independence... it leads to stagnation.
Being over protective does not lead to growth, is not progressive... you may even say it’s narcissistic...
Independence is a topic for another day.
What I want to share is my philosophical view of: - Victim Blaming -
Through out our Human History, the female gender have always been considered lesser to the male counterpart.
I don’t base my facts on “Biology”... I base it on History.
The Dark History of Humanity...
A sad world we live as a victim of atrocities happen on a daily and global basis.
Recently I have watched the infamous anime: Goblin Slayer.
It reminded me of just how dark our life is, a reminder of everything...
Even the subject I studied on for about over a month during my attendance at a University.
So, ever since Goblin Slayer... I’ve just cannot un-see the scenes of that anime and how its a reference to humanity...
The guy wrenching feeling, every time I think about anything related to it all...
The inspiration of this post, was originated from a comment...
About how “suggestive” that a female posts an image of herself online..
Many other similar scenarios come to mind...
The story of the girl who went to a party, looking nice, looking for fun.
Ends up as “unwanted sexual abuse”... from drunken local football star...
She is blamed for ruining his career and life, his parents blame her, the community blames her as well and her parents are ashamed of her...
All because some guy committed a crime, whether intention or not.
Now he is in court, facing a sentence... that will destroy his career.
She is blamed, cause she went to the authorities... almost everybody who blames her blames her because in a way... she “Snitched”.
This was a case I studied and made a report on.
Many more scenarios such as this I’ve researched on...
The point of this pointless speech is that.
Apathy, it’s easier to blame someone then understand the other side of the story...
The female gender have always had it worse me than the males, it’s a sad reality we live.
That sometimes you see inequality, you witness atrocities and observe how closed minded individuals and folks are when it comes to these issues of the world.
From my experience and understanding, Females don’t want to be put on a pedestal and be treated like some princess that’s needs constant saving...
They just wanted to be treated equally without prejudice, without any notion. Just to be apart like one of the guys when you meet up with them online.
Btw, The report I made on that subject during my attendance at University.
She took her own life, couldn’t handle the shaming of the community, of the “supposed” victims parents and negligence of her own parents who turn their backs to her.
I think that anyone should be able to put whatever they want on their profile, regardless of gender.