How does everyone feel about shotguns? I find them very annoying in things like comp, but do you think they need a nerf? Either a range or ammo nerf. Or should they stay the same? People who main shotguns will most likely not want them nerfed, but try and be somewhat considerate.
Edited by IPouyadI: 1/24/2019 9:16:56 PMPosts like this prove to me that people are either dumb ignorant or have Alzheimer. 1.Stop requesting nerfs on shotguns, end of D1, after all that nerf was not fun 2.have you forgotten the sole reason that people demanded weapon slot changes in pvp? It was solely due to not having anything strong at your disposal to survive the clutch situations since everybody holds hands in this game now. If we are to nerf the solution then why did we ask for it? The solution to your annoying demise aint a nerf and rng driven engagements but wider maps and stronger primaries, and possibly a fix for lack of awareness at where to place yourself in maps... Thats it