Normally am pretty savvy with this stuff but no shame in asking for advice when strapped for time, as an avowed being with an AnCap/voluntaryist and conspiracy-theorist/truth-seeker modus operandi, perhaps among others here on this sub, this user came across some posts in a particular YT video comment section in a flame war/argument between such like-minded individuals and some combination of either paid trolls/shills, bots, and/or ignorant people in a flurry of left-brain dominant cynicism and right-brain dominant naivete, of fear, psychopathy/sociopathy, subsidization, and ignorance over cryptocurrencies/blockchain technology against the central bankster new/old (depending upon one's view) world order. This user tries to remember a razor that states one shouldn't immediately attribute malice to what is merely ignorance, but the way it played out showed the statist-minded user with a fake e-mail was likely working to spread F.U.D at the behest of some (((government data center))).
One commenter mentioned that this individual was ready for a potential EMP/grid attack (this user has speculated and researched others thinking along similar lines that it could be a false-flag shutdown, not takedown, and blamed on Iran/Russia to start shiz in the puppet-state of the Ukraine to give jackbooted thugs here the ability to kidnap women and children into concentration camp cities/population control -- Civil War 2.0 for more martial law -- while the armed men are away, not to get political and offtrack though) with backed up Wikipedia and other wikis, an archive of videos this person found helpful, an IP register of 4000 sites so this person isn't affected by ICANN DNS server shutdowns (how mos sites are "shutdown"), and a mesh wifi repeater node with a 5km range, the backup in a Farraday cage.
Now this user knows about decentralized currency and communication equipment, but could someone ELI5 this above set of prepping a bit more on how to do such things? Are these on a USB drive/stick and/or some cloud storage or photographed with an old polaroid?
This user has documents pertaining to the universe, politics, and conspiracies, and a person-of-interest this user has been compiling and editing among other writings and documenting across many a site, social posts before they're deleted by the poster, etc., and the like, for various purposes that number in the THOUSANDS when it comes to pages, like a savant of an investigator (no social life, yeah) and would like a more thorough lesson in digital backing up, for technological SHTF scenarios to bring back when things get turned back on for most.
Also, could someone ELI5 this 'lightbulb' trick that's been discussed regarding internet connections that circumvent and render obsolete the need for ISPs? Something about attaching a lightbulb to one's computer, like their laptop. Thanks, gotta run!
Please get banned again. I'd pay you