Dear bungie please do not permanently get rid of cayde-6. He brings so much life and story into the destiny games. If you are having the actor who voices for him leave please hire someone else to voice for him, after all he is a cyborg and you can say his voice box was changed.
To all my fellow destiny players, please voice your opinion on this matter.
[quote]To all my fellow destiny players, please voice your opinion on this matter.[/quote] Well because you asked so nicely I will help you out. TBH I really don't care one way or another. If they bring him back good, if they don't oh well. I mainly play to get my grind fix and shoot/punching things in the face. That are my top two reasons for playing. Their order changes depending on my mood, but it is always one or the other. If I am not shooting/punching things in the face or grinding for something then I am reading about how to more effectively shoot/punch things in the face or grind. ( This most of the time involves shooting/punching to the face area ) Some times bounties have me picking flowers like a hippie. I use this time to reflect on all my loot and all the things I shot/punched in the face, and the good times we had. So have my up vote and my bump. Because I may be indifferent to your cause, I respect your manners.