Pc palyer, clan needed
[b][u]About Us[/u][/b] We are Winter's Wrath, a clan that strives to provide a fun and rewarding experience in playing Destiny 2. Destiny is best played with fellow gamers that respect, communicate, and help one another, this is the foundation of our clan. When players are respectful, helpful, and have common goals, great things can be achieved. Whether that goal is to beat a new raid or dominate the Crucible, we can do it. We are recruiting all Guardians! There are no age or skill restrictions, we welcome all guardians. In our clan community, you will meet similar Guardians willing to help you in your quest to become legendary. Meeting Guardians, forming friendships, and great experiences is what we want for our members. We also have plenty of chat rooms for all sorts of Destiny-related content and non-Destiny related content. [b][u]Features Included![/u][/b] - Scheduled fireteams - PC channels for games - Roles for all players that wish to help [quote] [b]How to Join:[/b] 1) Upvote this post and/or tell us about yourself 2)[b][u]Add me on discord [armory](iceyskyx#5020)[/armory] and add my battlenet[/b][/u] [armory](iceyskyx#1184)[/armory] 3) Message me or the admins, so we can get your battlenet info 4) Join the Discord https://discord.gg/sGQaCX9 5) Link to join the clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3703947 [/quote]