Gimme "Nutking" (Ratking)
"Onethousand Nuts" (Onethousand Voices)
"Nutbreaker" (Queenbreaker)
"Fighting Squirrel" (Fighting Lion)
"Lord of Nuts" (Lord of Wolves)
"Le Nuts" (Le Monarche)
"Ace of Nuts" (Ace of Spaced)
"Izanagis Nuts" (Izanagis Burden)
"Two-tailed Squirrel" (two tailed fox)
"Hot Nut" (prometheus lens)
"Cold Nut" (coldheart)
"ThunderNut" (Thunderlord)
"Whisper of the Squirrel" or "Nuts of the Worm" (Whisper of the Worm)
"Hucklenut" (Huckleberry)
"TrinityNut" (Trinity ghoul)
"Graviton Nut" (graviton lance)
"Go Nuts" (go figure)
"The Last Nut" (The Last word)
"Nutender" (Wishender)
All this would give me the nutty expirence of the game I desire.... bungie pls ....Also Nut Shader pls
Also next Season needs to be "Season of the Nuts"
List with armor ideas will come soon
Deutsche Erklärung:
Lustgärten sind jetzt Nussgärten
Sleeper Nutulant Squirrel Regime Hard Nut Polaris Nut Nutcliff Coil Cerberus +Nuts