Which is your favorite and why?
Mine is the Clone Wars.
Come on, who DOESN'T love the clones?
Anakin/Padme romance = Major barfaroni. Wish I could hop into Ep. 1 at a crucial moment... PADME: "Her Highness wishes for you to take her handmaiden with you." QUI-GON: "This isn't a good idea." ODDISH: "It's a worse idea than you think. That's actually the queen in disguise." QUI-GON: "Well that's it, you are SO not going." PADME: "But her Majesty demands it." QUI-GON (waves hand): "You don't feel like going. You want to stay in and watch sappy romance movies." PADME: "I don't feel like going. I want to stay in and watch sappy romance movies." Padme returns to the ship, Quigon goes on alone. Galaxy saved, you're welcome. ;)