originally posted in:Clan Finder
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I recently started playing Destiny again after a few month long absence and unfortunately my clan is pretty much dead in terms of activity of other players. I love working in larger groups for Destiny raids so I would love to find a clan to run any of the raids on a regular basis, I communicate well and im fine working with experienced or newer players.
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3708843 House of Gods are looking for new members to Join the clan. We are casual players who love to help others. We are on PC and XB1 only right now but will be extending to PS4 if we can get the members. We also play other games that you'll be able to see in our discord server. Join Discord and see if you like what you see: https://discord.gg/GgEcRmR We look forward to having you! **Please read the rules when you join the discord server before posting in any of the other channels.**