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Looking for clan xbox. I've been playing since release but never done a Nightfall or any raid. Please help. I soloed malfeasance mission, solo made it to keeper of petitions and halved his life before death. I'm working on whisper quest now that it's any time now.
The Vanguard Society | Xbox1 | Clan lvl 6 | All Weekly Engrams | Highly Active | Ages 18+ | Discord Required https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3026592 🔸️Scourge of the Past, Last Wish, The Forge, Gambit, Crucible, Blind Well, Nightfall, Shattered Throne, Ascendant Challenge, you name it.. we're in! 🔸️If you like scheduled events and dedicated raid teams, this might be the clan for you. We're easygoing and don't mind teaching raids. 🔸️Enjoy a relaxed gaming atmosphere with an awesome community! 🔸️Discord is required and recommended for the best experience! Here's the link to join our community of Destiny2 gamers https://discord.gg/NCEqfyw 🔸️We're constantly growing each season. If you're reading this and have a clan that would like to join our Discord community, please contact us. 🔸️We're mostly active during US ET. Applications only.