[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSvUqhZcbVg]H a u n t o l o g y : T h e N o s t a l g i a F o r L o s t F u t u r e s[/url]
[quote][quote][quote][i]"Imagine hearing a simple melody. At any single moment, you are only hearing one of the notes—and only one note is fully present. On it's own, this note has no melodic qualities, and the only way to make sense of the melody as a melody, is to constantly mix the present note with the notes you are no longer hearing on the one hand, and the notes that you are anticipating on the other.
The melody is never fully present, but only arises from an interplay between the past, present and future. All of our experience is like this—we can only make sense of the future through the past, and only make sense of the past through the future."[/i][/quote][/quote][/quote]