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Heya everyone looking for a pretty active clan on Xbox, population seems a tad down. Or atleast most of the people we played with are gone
649 hunter. Experienced in just about everything, but SotP
Higher 600s Titan too but anyway
Pretty chill, 18+ preferred.
Got a buddy that would be joining with me and he's pretty sweaty with this game, 650 on pretty much all 3 toons. (treefiddyzz33)
Moving Forward Together is an active family community filled with friendly, helpful, loyal, humorous, fun-loving members. We've built an amazing community for our members with our 5 XBOX & 1 PC Division- Whether you’re changing clans, returning or starting out- our door is open and you are welcome to join. Discord is Required for all but one of our divisions. (PC / NA) MFT ~ Assassin Combat Team (ACT) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupId=3091364) Discord Required AU / NZ (XB1) MFT~ Down Under Division (AU / NZ) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/AdminSections?groupid=3458635 All of our clans, enjoy everything the game offers- so the choice is yours Just click the link to join the clan of choice (XB1) MFT ~ Combat Assault Team (CATS) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupid=3096879 (XB1) MFT - Special OPS Squad (SOS) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2729509 (XB1) Moving Forward Together (MFT) (Discord Required) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1152384 (XB1) MFT ~ Strategic Performance (STOP) (Active Casuals & Loners - (No Discord Requirements) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2950281 All clans are Divisions of the “Moving Forward Together” -”MFT Family” Our requirements are simple: Join our Discord, Be respectful & have a good sense of humor. Our goal is to remain drama free. No age restrictions for us (but if you fall into that loud, vulgar, annoying, wild, raging category that doesn't know how to be a part of a team- we'd rather you didn't join) We want to ensure you that we intend to maintain a very well balance family atmosphere that will enable us to learn from one another.