originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Heya everyone looking for a pretty active clan on Xbox, population seems a tad down. Or atleast most of the people we played with are gone
649 hunter. Experienced in just about everything, but SotP
Higher 600s Titan too but anyway
Pretty chill, 18+ preferred.
Got a buddy that would be joining with me and he's pretty sweaty with this game, 650 on pretty much all 3 toons. (treefiddyzz33)
Are you sick of looking for raids on LFG? Sick of scrolling through these forums looking for a decent clan? Well look no further! About us: We are a semi new clan, created by a group of close friends who share the passion of end game content in Destiny 2. We are a max level clan We are 80+ active members strong. We use Discord for all organized raids. We hand out fancy discord roles to those of you who have achieved greatness 😋 “We are a clan of primarily endgame guardians. Raiders galor! We want you pvp mains too! Come in, grab a controller, laugh and create your legacy. Make sure your third tap is your LÄST TÄP. “ Requirements to join: 1. Be 650 in Power. 2. Have 10+ Full Raid Clears in Forsaken. (Last Wish or Scourge) 2. [b]Must have Discord[/b] and be an active member in the clan. 3. Must have basic knowledge of the current raids. 4. Must be 18+ to join How to join: 1. Upvote this post 2. Leave your name below Or 3. Apply to join via this link https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3690140 What we are looking for: Players who have the ambition to do raids on a daily/weekly basis. Players who don’t mind helping out someone who may not be as experienced. Players who love to be a part of a great community! Anthem! With the release of Anthem we will be becoming a clan for both games through our Discord! You can expect to have people to play with for the Open Demo on Feb 1st. Apply to join today to become part of our great community we are building!