Hunters: Blade Barrage or Spectral Blades
Titans: One-eyed Mask
And of course:
Dust Rock Blues
Git gud. Please. You'll be better for it honestly.
To anyone else who doesn't rely on the meta for kills, feel free to add to this. Otherwise, [i]change my mind.[/i]
Edit: I don't want to seem biased (warlock main :L) but since Nova Warp got nerfed I can't think of any meta supers.
Double edit: to clarify, for y'all whomst I triggered:
This post is purely to complain about how stupid and close-minded [i]metas[/i] can be, especially in a game like Destiny. You have so many options, yet people will feel a need to use the [u]exact[/u] loadout mentioned above. It's great if you like to use anything in this post just for fun. But if you define fun as "I only care about kills and wins" or "I use it because everyone else is," then you're part of what I have personally established as a problem. A disease, rather.
Don't try to say "I paid for this game so whatever lol" either... l-literally no one should consider that. I paid for it too...
Who are you to say what spec I can use in pvp, or what weapons for that matter? They exist. They are obtainable. They can be earned through completing the content Bungie has provided and that I have paid for. If you don't like people using effective methods to kill people in the crucible, then, what weapon set and which specs are you ok with? Have no intention of changing my play style of course. But curious what you would prefer? What weapons or specs do you want people to kill you with? I'll be the first to admit, I struggle competing in crucible using some of the different classes and their supers. At least at the same lvl as my Solar Hunter. Been that way since D1 beta. So excuse me for using what I enjoy to use, while playing a video game I paid for. As far as, the weapons go, well, yes sometimes weapons can be broken, or far superior to others. But if you can earn it in game, it's fair, imo. Personally, can't wait to get Thorn again. Hopefully, it's close to what its first design/feel had. Pissed off so many people, but hey it was fun. And that's why we play video games right? The DU (Destiny Universe) has been a fall back time waster for me, since D1 launched. So in summation, I guess the only reply to your question, is, "get better." The elite of the elite can beat you, or me, with whatever set or spec they want. So it really just comes down to play what is fun, META or not. P.S. the Meta will always change, or at least always has so far.