How often do you make meals where you prepare all the ingredients from start to finish?
Personally I fall into the "occasionally when I have time or I'm not too lazy" category. Time to whip out my motivational spatula.
[spoiler]i'll be very disappointed in you all if this doesn't become a pp poll with giant gonads
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
I cooked toast this morning
Does the microwave count? If so, all the time! If not, almost never!
What’s your definition of cooking
When I'm hungry
I consider ordering Ubereats as cooking, bc it still takes effort. So I cook several times a week.
What’s cooking all I know is basic food makin
8 hours a day at work and dinner for the family when I get home.. chef life 🔪
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
Almost never. I love food but hate cooking. -
I try to cook my own dinners at least once or twice a week, and the rest of my family takes up the rest of the week with their own cooked meals, so we rarely (MAYBE once a week or once every two weeks) go out to eat.
A lot less than I want to.
Is pouring a bowl of cereal cooking?
Does being a barista count?
Let’s just say me and my gf have already worked out that I’ll cook dinner when we live together.
Pretty much everyday... being in "cram a sack..." business it's a part of job. But now I am really nice to resturant and bar folk when I eat out [tips] and I cook at home alot. Because I know what folks do in kitchens to A-hole customers.
Either myself or my wife cook most days.
6 days a week. [spoiler]Raw vegetables are the lamest food ever.[/spoiler]
I do the whole meal prepping thing, cooking 5 days of lunches and dinners on Sunday. It's cheaper than eating out and easier to control the nutrition, but it does get bland lol
Nearly everyday.
There’s seven options though[spoiler]How make pp poll with 7 options? 6 I know how but not 7. Teach me the ways sensei[/spoiler]