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originally posted in:Clan Finder
2/9/2019 7:20:14 AM

Looking for a CHILL Clan on PS4 [North America]

I'm looking for a chill, positive clan to join. I don't want to join if you guys are super serious into the game and require me to meet some weird daily requirements (texting in a discord three times a week, everytime I log on joining the voice chat on PSN, etc) ; if this sounds rude, I'm sorry, but I don't want to be invited or join a clan like that. I've come across people who take the game way too seriously, and its fine, but I'm just not about all of that. I have health issues that I'm dealing with currently, so I play Destiny occasionally to bypass my days and I really enjoy it. I play SOLO sometimes, because I want to get my LL to the cap before the new season comes around and I don't mind helping at all. I'm experienced and I don't mind getting EXP for the clan or doing raids [I don't have mic currently, but I know my way around all the Raids except SOTP]. I'd be a great addition to your clan, if you'll have me!

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  • Good morning, afternoon, and evening guardians. I am the founder of the Queens Lost Garden and I am looking for active friendly players to join our tiny clan. As always if you want to join just search up our clan name on the website and apply. There a few things for you to know before you join, however: - You must be 16+ (Sorry, but no squeakers. I've dealt with them before and they are annoying, no offense) - You must have a mic (There are some exceptions. Like if you are mute or can't afford any. Material items nowadays can be preeettty expensive) - Be respectful and don't blame others for your faults. (I can't tell you how many times I've heard other players bicker and call someone trash when they're the ones who made a mistake and won't own up to it.) - Be an active player (Make sure to play at least once every week or more and do clan bounties. Unless personal issues come up or something has happened which I can completely understand. Just let me or my admin torn_hellson know.) -Lastly, and this is completely optional, you can join our discord at As for what we are here to do for members of our clan, we'll help any way we can and participate in raids, strikes and all activities that d2 has to offer. This includes helping new players to the game and ones that have been with destiny since the very beginning. Message me on here or psn and to apply to join here is the url address: My username is of course as it should say in the author section jmcalp98. Peace out and good luck, Guardians!

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