originally posted in:Clan Finder
We are looking for a clan that does raid and helps out others , my last clan no one was really on max 5 on weekends,
Hi Zurxey, Have you taken a look at Prckly Bois? Check out our clan here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3497404 If you feel like hanging out with us before you join, check out our discord: https://discord.gg/qcMJZW
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/251053056 The Vex Network is a new clan for everybody, we hope to see you soon!
[This Advertisement is brought to you by: Dreaming City Real Estate where everything is taken!.] Hi, You must be wondering, "Is this the clan for me?" - "Am I Top Tier Trash Material?" - "Did my mother have morning sickness after I was born?" Those are all valid questions because I'm here to tell you that over 70% of the Guardians don't know their trash level. You can ask Lord Shaxx he will tell you, not everyone deserves Luna's Howl. In Top Tier Trash Guardians, we have over 400 players and five branches! And 97% active players rating (According To 2018 TTTg yEeEt Bot) That's more active than your mother's sex life! (just kidding!) We don't have any particular rules; just don't post your nudes on discord. Speaking of discord, here's the link :) https://discord.gg/5xdWjFG (This Sales Pitch is Patented under the Guardian Law Sec. T1T1Trash of Travelers Policy Discretion. Any copyright infringement will become subject to disciplinary action under Private Match Policy 1v1-LShxx. For more details join TopTierTrashGuardiansIII or TopTierTrashGuardiansIV or TopTierTrashGuardiansV.)
we arnt casual at all but we raid every single day we focus on teaching and doing the hardest content possible flawless raids etc if you wanna join talk to me on discord https://discord.gg/mcf33z
Hello , A Sinners Karma is currently looking for members and you look like a great addition to add to our clan. We are a casual EU based PC clan. We don't really have that many requirements the only one that matters is to be 18+ and have a good attitude towards other players. Feel free to ask me any questions or apply if you are interested. You can check us out in the link below : https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3600006 See you around Guardian!
Hello Zurxey, We (Team Xenivide) here enjoy playing Destiny 2 and all that it has to offer! Our clan was created on the idea that ALL guardians should be treated equally and that no matter how experienced you are we will always welcome you with open arms. Our group is packed with relaxed, knowledgeable, focused and committed Guardians ready to help anyone in need. We’re not game type specific either! Meaning we do Raids, Nightfall’s, Crucible, Gambit and pretty much anything else currently available in Destiny 2. With an ever growing Community of Dedicated Players on PC, based in North America (NA), we strive to be the most flexible and open Community Destiny 2 has to offer! With Active Admins and Members we constantly are helping each other meet their goals and dreams (IRL dreams not guaranteed). Note: Must join our discord server, read the rules, and follow the nickname format in order to join! Discord: https://discord.gg/U64fcdk If you’re looking for a friendly, relaxed clan come check us out! Thank you and Fight on fellow Guardian!