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Edited by Spawn: 2/23/2019 5:21:42 PM

So is Anthem a Destiny killer like many of you said?

Honest opinions please *This is my opinion* In my opinion the gameplay feels ok and I like the movement but some of the controls are really bad and clunky. For me the missions where boring and I didn't like the gun play. BUT the most letdown was the cutscene boss fights. Like wtf I wan't to fight against these giant monsters not watch a cutscene about the fight... I know there will most likely be boss fight in the future but having opportunities for boss fight gameplay and replace it with a cutscene is just a letdown for me. This is an example [b]If you don't wan't spoilers don't click here![/b] [spoiler]I did this mission where I was roaming around the map collecting some yellow things? to cleanse a plate full of tentacles. After I was done I had to close some kind of portal but the thing got stuck and a giant ice monster came through the portal. At this moment I was hyped for a boss fight but instead I just got a cutscene where the portal closed and the monster just died[/spoiler] Also I got a lot of frame drops and bugs but this is most likely because I play on a ps4 [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to [url=]#Offtopic[/url], a more appropriate forum for this offtopic discussion. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • No game has to be a Destiny killer. Destiny is already bleeding itself dry with mediocrity.

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  • No.

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  • Edited by BarretOblivion: 2/24/2019 11:12:58 AM
    Destiny killer? Hahahahaha. No, it killed itself already. The reddit is a dumpster fire of people trying to say "hey I enjoy this game, but please Bioware fix it!" Or people complaining about basically being ripped off. Its the same feelings I saw throughout the Fallout 76 reddit. Then Bioware released that 90 calender and I gotta say, they put the nailed in the coffin with it. No content additions for 2 months with only 1 new stronghold during April. -cough- Where is the raid? I thought people said Anthem would have a raid close to launch? So... where is it? Or any significant end game content? There is NONE. Not even cataclysms are on the roadmap. Bioware killed Anthem. It has no future for at least a year. Probably before then EA will pull the plug on it if it doesn't sell well. Angry Joe honestly has the best review for Anthem: Utter Disappointment and shame on Bioware. This is unacceptable. I was really hoping Bioware would shape up the live service model and light a fire under Bungie, but this? No, if anything this solidified Bungie's position. Division 2 is your best hope people, after that its Borderlands 3.

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  • Did people really say that? About an EA live service-game?

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  • Destiny killer? Hardly. It’s been getting worse reviews than Mass Effect Andromeda, which I didn’t even know was possible. What’s sad about Anthem is that if it doesn’t meet EA’s financial “expectations”, they’ll most likely shut down BioWare. I put “ in front of expectations because it’s a ludicrous number for EA. Im not gonna buy it mainly because I’m kinda tired of all these “live services” games for $60. Games that ship out half finished, finish later after a year, and in the mean time are milked for cash by microtransactions. Not to mention they -blam!-ed with Star Wars. You don’t -blam!- with Star Wars without consequence.

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  • From what my friends say, it's a good game, just the servers are going though that annoying early Battlefield thing where they start off god awful. I'll give it a shot though, and maybe give my honest opinion in a review. Might not though, #Offtopic is getting slammed with Anthem posts as it is.

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    1 Reply
    • Probably not, but it’s fun enough to be worth playing. I like having the freedom to play wha I want to unlock gear instead of the rigidness of Destiny where my experience is heavily dictated.

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    • This more than anything put me off to play Anthem. Xbox One X and S both have a lot of screen tearing when it dips below 30fps and since both have a hard time staying at 30fps, you will have a lot of screen tearing. It will be interesting to see the reviews for the console versions, to see if they are even harsher because of worse performance than PC.

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    • did you find that the boss fights would be better if it was like a mortal combat fatality, you do the damage and basically finish the fight then get a cutscene for the kill?

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    • Edited by HollowedWayfarer: 2/24/2019 12:33:17 AM
      I love the game and I have a lot of fun with it. My only gripe right now are these stupid data errors and connection losses. And I can’t say they’re my fault because both of these are coming from EA and BioWare’s side.

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    • To me Yes because the same play is fun, and the Ults Actually are flashy and can be considered Ults, the guns seem to have true impact . the Combos can make a sure ad clear. and the Colossus is an actual tank :D

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    • For me it is. I just don't see a good reason to keep playing. I like Anthem so far and I hope it gets better. Bungie needs to step up their game, like introducing a forth class.

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    • I'm enjoying ir so far. I've had more fun playing anthem yesterday than I've had in the last month playing D2, and nothing about season of the grifter makes me want to play.

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    • No. (Only played demo, so opinion is limited) The suits and flying is a nice idea and I am cool with that part. More ability based than shooting Anthem to me is 1 planet on Destiny with patrol, story, and strikes - boring after awhile (probably good for casual gameplay) Stronghold = Destiny strike to see how many others you carry each time you do one (see how many times you can get someone up who is down and killing everything for them) Difficulty = get better gear to do same activity with bigger sponges that hit harder

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    • OP is lettuce

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      • Well I stopped playing destiny about a year and a half ago...

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      • Nah, it's just different. In time maybe. After the bugs are fixed and a ton of new content comes in for it, but right now it's not killing anything but time.

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      • I just laugh because the reviews remind me of what Destiny is like.

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      • [i]Destiny killer? That remains to be seen, after all, for most of us, the game has only been out 1 day. It’s hard to judge the “End Game” of a game like this in such a short period of time. I’m gonna need at least a week of constant play before I can get a rough feel for how much staying power Anthem will have. Having said that, I’m enjoying myself so far.[/i]

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      • It's bad but it's new and fun. Better than destiny at the moment.

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        • Edited by ShingetsuMoon: 2/23/2019 1:36:40 PM
          Honest opinion? I’m really, genuinely loving the game and characters. The javelins feel amazing and I love exploring the world. It feels far more welcoming and accommodating of different play styles then Destiny does right now.

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        • I like it. It definitely replaced destiny 2. I won't be reinstalling d2. Haven't had any framerates issues, matchmaking is working perfectly.

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        • Many people hoped because it is BioWare that it would be a great game. It is not. This is the the corpse of BioWare that have been turned into a zombie by EA forced to put out a buggy, micro transaction filled mess of a game. I wish people could separate their hopes and their memory of when BioWare was good from the current reality. Anthem is another Battlefront or Battlefront 2 or Mass Effect Andromeda.

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          2 Replies
          • I've come to the realization that people want Destiny to die so bad that they buy into the hype about a future game. But the funniest part is that they then go and hype up the game themselves [b]waaaaaay[/b] more than the studio making it does and they start believing their own misguided hype for a game they've never even played a demo for. As soon as a game gets labeled as a"Destiny killer", I automatically think it's going to be completely disappointing and I haven't been wrong yet. Lol

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            5 Replies
            • Never thought it would be a Destiny killer. Only Destiny is capable of doing that. How Anthem plays out in the long run remains to be seen, but right now it is a fun alternative to a lackluster and stale D2.

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            • Well the combat is way more enjoyable than Destiny combat.

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