originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Looking for a active friendly clan, not too sweaty but likes to get things done.
F4D3D (Faded) is a [u]casual[/u] level 6 PS4 clan that’s a mix of casual and endgame players from around the world just looking to get stuff done when we can. We are looking for more/new active clan mates for all PvP and PvE activities and level to 650. All levels and classes are welcome. We still run EP and Year 1 raids for lower levels or anyone interested and weekly Last Wish raids as well as new content like Forges and the Scourge of the Past raid. Other activities include: Private matches, Clan tournaments, Clan YT channel and D1 Raids Only rules: Be 18+ Join our Discord server (mandatory) Respect others Message me or one of F4D3Ds admins if you would like more info. Clan page is here: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=3214593[/url]