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Pulling in the nine without trials is just a smack in the face to trials players. Bungie you suck and i want my money back for this crap you are forcing us to play. No one wants to have gambit shoved down their throat. Bullshit, bullshit and more bungie bullshit
Plus Gambit can easily be hated by both PVE and PVP only types and certainly hated by solo players. I've played a ton of Gambit solo, but may not bother going forward. PVE players can be frustrated that if your team loses the PVP part of the match, you'll probably lose the match. If PVP is balanced, then it also has the tough part of PVE where if you don't have a team, you'll usually lose. PVP people probably don't want minutes of PVE between times when one person per team can do a PVP thing. I agree that nearly no one wanted this, but we all knew it was coming.