I recently have been informed by my detective Sherlock Holmes that a group is aspiring to attack. The numbers are against us. They even killed an innocent man named Jerry. But we can prevail!
So please, sign up. I'll pardon any crimes you've done in the past and give you a new chance.
Here's a look at what he found: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/251147640/0/0
- Lee The Sheriff (Head of battle)
- Man With no Name (leader of the allies)
- Holmes And Watson (Detectives and Fighters)
- Cowboy Coltman
- Ricksta
- Kaid
- pencilsnake (music man/computer guy)
- Lamada-7
- The Dragon
- Totally Not Steve
- A Titan Squirrel
- Beep
- GameSlayer50
- DerpyTaco
- A stop cone
- Templar
- Kittimu
- Varvatos Vex (Destroyer of the void)
- Turtle Mercenary
- A Traffic Cone
- SquareTrout (Sniper, and Master of water)
We need names, what you guys think
I was thinking The Iron Justice
Normally I would have sided with you but I feel like I should be on the other side this time. I've served for the forces of good for my whole life so its only fitting I should change sides for this particular bout. Nothing personal sheriff. May the best person...errr toaster...dragon....oh whatever, good luck. You're gonna need it.