I know that a lot of hunter mains are going to ree at me over this post, but I need to give some feedback that I've been holding onto. I'm a titan main, and I have an affinity for Sunbreaker. Can't get enough of it. But I've been noticing something over the several hours I have spent in Competitive over the past few days. And that thing is that Sunbreaker feels useless compared to Spectral Blades. Mind you, I'm not talking about the whole tree; I have no problem with Way of the Wraith in general. In fact, I think the rest of the tree is very well balanced right now. But the super, oh boy. Here is what I think is wrong with Spectral Blades.
- The super goes on for a ridiculous amount of time. Seriously. It outlasts every super in the game, from what I've seen.
- It has way, way too much armor. I have an easier time taking down a Fist of Havoc running full speed at me than I do a Spectral Blades meandering towards me. It feels impossible to shut down, unless you have a suppressor grenade or get lucky with your own super, which is hard considering:
- The super's hitbox is way too generous. I get that Bungie changed it because it was too inconsistent before, and that's fine. I saw some really sad misses and shortstops before the buff. But over the past five days, I think I've been victim of more unreasonable hits from the super than I have been any other unreasonable hit in the game. The hitbox is at least three times the size of the knives.
That's all I really felt like whining about. I get that super balancing is hard, since it is all too easy to take a super form overpowered to useless with small tweaks, but I would like to see this addressed soon. All too often in a game type like Countdown, a Spectral Blades pop feels like a free, uncontested round win.
I agree that Sunbreaker is bordering on pathetic right now. It has to be the next super to get an upgrade because it's really lagging behind most of the others now. However, I see the same damage bring done by a roaming FoH as SB. The difference between the two is Gwisin Vest. It's ridiculously overpowered. You shouldn't mistake that as the super being better than it is. The same issue happed with BB, BB was fine it didn't need any changes, Shards needed tweaking because it turned every comp match into Mayhem. Unfortunely Bungie didn't see this and went after both the super and the armour. I really hope this doesn't happen again. Gwisin needs fine-tuning, same as Shards did, but the super itself isn't overpowered it's just players who are patient and attack wisely can get more out of it than players that mindlessly slash around until they hit someone.