I know that a lot of hunter mains are going to ree at me over this post, but I need to give some feedback that I've been holding onto. I'm a titan main, and I have an affinity for Sunbreaker. Can't get enough of it. But I've been noticing something over the several hours I have spent in Competitive over the past few days. And that thing is that Sunbreaker feels useless compared to Spectral Blades. Mind you, I'm not talking about the whole tree; I have no problem with Way of the Wraith in general. In fact, I think the rest of the tree is very well balanced right now. But the super, oh boy. Here is what I think is wrong with Spectral Blades.
- The super goes on for a ridiculous amount of time. Seriously. It outlasts every super in the game, from what I've seen.
- It has way, way too much armor. I have an easier time taking down a Fist of Havoc running full speed at me than I do a Spectral Blades meandering towards me. It feels impossible to shut down, unless you have a suppressor grenade or get lucky with your own super, which is hard considering:
- The super's hitbox is way too generous. I get that Bungie changed it because it was too inconsistent before, and that's fine. I saw some really sad misses and shortstops before the buff. But over the past five days, I think I've been victim of more unreasonable hits from the super than I have been any other unreasonable hit in the game. The hitbox is at least three times the size of the knives.
That's all I really felt like whining about. I get that super balancing is hard, since it is all too easy to take a super form overpowered to useless with small tweaks, but I would like to see this addressed soon. All too often in a game type like Countdown, a Spectral Blades pop feels like a free, uncontested round win.
It lasts for 25 seconds now...that is the same time as stormtrance /hammers/sentinel/dawnblade. And it has the same armor as a dawnblade and only 10% more when invis..meanwhile sentinel can get 100% damage reduction...but most people are too stupid to realise that.