A lot of us would like the older armor (pre-forsaken) sets to be brought forward. Can they either have perks added, or made upgradable somehow?
I would love to wear my [u]Dead Orbit[/u] set or my early season crucible and iron banner sets, but it's impractical because they don't have full perks like the new stuff does.
I'm sure people would like to wear their old raid gear and solstice armor as well.
We put the time into collecting this stuff, and the design team surely put in the time to create it. Is it possible that they can be brought up to date and become "useable" choices again?
Thanks :)
If this would require the old gear to be completely remade and would be unrealistically time consuming to implement, maybe adding ornaments to the newer armor (where it makes sense) to allow the older designs to be used is a possibility?
Transmogrification is always an option as well.
Honestly the og class sets you could get from Ikora would be cool to come back.