Glossed right over Izzyhel's crimes and promoting the high school indoctrination camp anti-Hitlr shyt....(not pro-Hitlr at all, just sayin', it goes deeper than that if one understands money and currency and Zio cults and the new world order).
Still pro-choice, but that's not incongruent with being pro-life either, and am anti-funding PP because taxation is already theft and there probably ARE hybrids and clones and experiments and harvesting, there's DEFINITELY harvesting in certain places AND kannibalism, that's been proven, and unfortunately the critter abuse too, bless those critters, but it's still a person's choice....not muh own choice, eye want children, but just don't make mself pay for their bulshyt and obviously after a couple weeks it's abortion, before a couple weeks it's just a cancellation/termination of a pregnancy, and contraceptions/preventative measures r TOTS fine, but yeah, postbirth and 3rd tris ARE mrder.
Just defund it and stop social engineering and shaming on a nation/world scale, let the individual communities handle it of those subscribed when one subscribed violates the terms of the subscription to the neighborhood. Rothbrd style. NO social engineering is needed, yuh can be as liberal or conservative as yuh want just don't force this user to pay for it.
Attacking bitcoin now? SHILL or ded wrong. More bandaides likely for money control, more fiat belief, but like that 'e did follow that up immediately with believing in cryptocurrencies and hoping for the best for 'em, so not sure how to take that comment....these old timers like Doc JBP and A J don't fully grasp crypto of most types let alone BTC chiefly among them and really feel they just need an ELI5 sometime.
Obv there's the threat of a FedCoin 'crypto' (not a real crypto, just like FBEYEBOOK's/FacBook's 'stable' (NOT STABLE) 'Coin').
Don't like the backtracking on S H school and not covering Pyzzagate anymore.
Think Truhmp might be a molester and/or this is OpSec and want secrecy vs. secrecy...this user believes in full-on full disclosure, soree not soree, TRUTH WILL OUT! 300 million prison guards...make it happen, but some of those shilled (((FOR))) and at the top of government are apart of it too and everyone has dirt on everyone so the exposers have to cover for themselves and thus, gatekeepers are born. So they probably yelled at A J and 'e's reacting to that. Same with S Hook, probably to keep gunowners from stocking up and defending themselves when they start kidnapping uhs all, perhaps some portion of people, perhaps other than more extreme crimnls in a massive roundup that may look like martial law of Hollyweird proportions, could be 2D, 3D, or 4D chess....not in the heads of others...may have been just taking a lick necessarily and moving on to focus on other shyt and get liberal media heads off iz back without much more concrete evidence to present in a massive lawsuit if one is not already in the works by some QAnon type counter-nWo faction versus chyld molestrs and false-flag massacre perps and don't want A J going in alone NOW....dunno. But this user prefers full disclosure always head-on than this sneaking around and tactical retreating, at least without good argument.
More commentary later, g'nyt!
Down's Syndrome?