For all characters you have a choice for what your characters goals are in life and what they think about their fellow crew members.
Choices are for: Nil, TotallyNotSteve, Notorious Zbruh, Toaster, Lee the Sheriff, and BopSheezi.
1: Revolutionary: You want to overthrow the Trojan hierarchy and save the populace.
2: Avarice: You want to make money and be free, doesn't much matter how.
3: Wanderer: You want to find new places, see new sights, and most of all just be free from the Trojan government.[/u]
1: Loyal Crew Member: You want what's best for the group as a whole.
2: Dissenter: You secretly want to hurt or take over the ship for your own. You seem to be a decent crew member, but really you are their enemy.
3: Free Mind: You are a part of the ship, but you think you know best of what the crew should do.[/u]
If you want your character to have a particular opinion or belief please feel free to PM me what your thoughts are and if doable I'll add them in for the story. In addition, PM me if you choose to be an enemy within your crew so that it stays a surprise for the rest of the group.
Motive - 3 Role - 1