Hi, Guardians. Here is my official Lore Theory post on why The Drifter just tried to pin us for Cayde's murder:
In the new wave of Narrative Previews, we learn that the Praxic Order are investigating us for Cayde's murder. Aside from the connections we had with Cayde, the bullet used was "Thorn-like" in make, which is something that we would possibly have access to.
There are several things I want to point out here:
1) The Rifleman mission started out on Rifleman's sniper nest. Next to the rifle? Ammo cases with Tex Mechanica imprinted on the side.
2) Following that logic, I remembered the lore card where The Drifter had the discussion with Redrix about Gambit. During this lore card, we learn that The Drifter is stockpiling Tex Mechanica weapons.
These two points, along with The Drifter's thoughts about Cayde's death, got my suspicions going like crazy. I got the idea that, maybe, he gave The Rifleman that special bullet to kill Sundance. But, then I remembered: ANYTHING can kill a Ghost. Many had died in the past, without any kind of special equipment. Then, it clicked, and a third point came to light.
3) The Drifter was, 100%, genuinely surprised and disturbed that we recieved The Last Word at the end of The Draw. Which was weird at the time, because the ENTIRE QUEST LINE alluded to us obtaining Thorn... and we are going to get a quest to acquire Thorn this Season.
The points came together, and this is what I have established:
The Thorn-like bullet is a [b]proxy.[/b] It was MEANT to be found by The Praxic Order, in order to point everyone's attention towards us. Thing is, we were supposed to find Thorn so that the murder could be pinned onto us with the prime piece of evidence in our grasp.
He tried to frame us.
That Dredgen bastard tried to blame US for Cayde's death.
In the new Narrative, isn’t it proved that we had nothing to do with Cayde’s death and that the Scorn poured plenty of resources into that single shot?