So i quit, then came back for forsaken, then quit a week later. New mini dlcs are iffy, recycled, grind.
We need a break from this, right? Why not some weekend events, like 3 different ones that spice up PVP and make it fun for even PVE players. Instead of the dreaded forced pvp steps on pve quests that pve player never get to do cause they get their kills reset once they die even though it took 5 games to get 20% and now back to 0%.
Any ways, imagine this (it's an idea so if you are offend easily, you better get in your safe space to read this) you spawn into your pvp game, show case your team, but no weapons appear, And theres a gears lock notification. You spawn in and you here a squeak (like a toy) and you titan suddenly pulls up a blow up hammer (like from a fair) and shaxxy says bop them till they cry. The goal is to get the most hit, not kills, on the enemy team and theres a minor knock back once hit. Grenades explode in confetti counting as 1 hit per player in the blast radius. Supers launch fire works and abilities increase speeds and jumps instead.
Some serious halo kind of stuff with some extra, eh? Now that's just an idea but something of the sort would freshen the game up and make weekends fun and laughable for everyone not just sweaty wanna be mlg playlists that'll never really succeed.
What do you all think? The game needs fresh stuff for everyone. It needs something that just brings back the fun and enjoyment in bungie games. Just have fun, would be nice again in this game.
Eh not really. I have more fun making game modes up in customs, for example, gun game. Each player starts with white guns, gets a kill they switch to green, then blue, then legendary and if they get a 5 kill streak they get an exotic. If they die, they start over.