What's up everyone. I just heard that Gearbox has the main stage at Pax East on March 28th.
Borderlands fans are all thinking this might be the day for the announcement. That will be dam exciting, but then I got this feeling of worry. What if Gearbox totally destroys this game? What if the micros are obnoxious? What they change too much?
With the track record of games being released the last few years, I'm worried the game might suffer.
How do you feel about it? I hope they stayed the course that made Borderlands good.
Edit: I'm going to stay positive and say it's going to be great.
It'll be Colonial Marines 2, with a major focus on Borderlands Mobile, a game where you build and defend your town on Pandora while spending eridium to purchase packs that might have characters from Borderlands in them.