[quote]The tree where Lee was sleeping shook in the wind, but the wind wasn't from the West. It rose from the ground. It began going faster and faster. Roots from the tree lifted and the heavens opened. [/quote]
[quote]"Go, rise and deliver judgement, my chosen," a voice echoed through the sky.[/quote]
[quote]A huge beam of light struck the cocoon, opening it and delivering a holy being[/quote]
[quote]Lee The Sheriff levitated off the ground, his body was too holy. If he touched the ground, all would perish in a miles radius.[/quote]
[quote]His body was enlightened with an aura, white roses grew from his arm, and he glitched. For he was in another realm of reality. Only light illuminated the figure still in reality.[/quote]
[quote]Two revolvers floated into his hands. He looked around and spoke[/quote]
[quote][b][u]Judgement Is Calling[/u][/b][/quote]
Welcome back! Another war is beginning, a racist pub has been opened, a bank scam has opened, and other things that have been started by the outlaws