I’m proud to announce that OffTopic’s first pub has finally been established in the young lands of OffTopic. We feature a relaxed and exquisite environ[i]m[/i]ent catered tow[i]a[/i]rds the elite of OffTopic. This is a private club, [i]n[/i]ot all will be allowed to enter. We have made a choice to formally quarantine any and all law enforcement from participating in our club, as we feel it may harm the atmosphere we have worked so hard to establish.
We feature a rustic yet sleek aesthetic, brin[i]g[/i]ing you back the roaring twenties with a hint of modernity. We truly h[i]o[/i]pe you find what you’re looking for here.
[b]Announcement:[/b] We feel that it is important to our members and customers to change our name slightly. While our name was never racially charged, it was taken out of context that way. On behalf of the Silver Owl Club, we apologize for the misunderstanding. We value our patrons.
A lot of new establishments popping up right now. I wonder why. Where did the funding come from? Why all at once? Very interesting to see how this will play out. Especially if they are denying entry from certain groups. Very interesting.