[quote][b]Sitting within his Laboratory, the Toaster was nearly finished with one of his many projects...This one in particular was creating and combining infection with machine... He had nearly perfected with his [i]subject[/i] but that strain wasn't as infectious nor as aggressive as what he wanted... Finishing his work he handed a small but very dangerous vial to his [i]indoctrinated [/i]ally: WiErDScIeNcE11 and sent the husk of a man to...[i]share it[/i]... With one plan in motion the Toaster stepped through a portal to the forests of Offtopic, once there he began his profane ritual and opened an [i]Oblivion Gate[/i]... Teleporting from one place to the next he opened more and more across the land... Once a [i]sufficient[/i] amount of Gates were opened he continued onto his next task... Once again jumping from place to place he now anchored this world to [i]Coldharbour [/i]and finally he returned to his lair to sit, watch and wait for more of his [i]Friends[/i] to arrive...[i]From the Stars[/i]...[/b][/quote]
Dragon, nearby and hidden, though no less aware of Toaster’s goings on, naps unphased by the danger that is building. There has been far worse that has occurred, and it’s reoccurring has not yet been set into motion.