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Looking for clan, haven't done any raids. I'll need someone willing to show me the ropes, I play a lot of destiny as a solo player, but match making raids can be very frustrating as most post require NWTD or have certain weapons. A side from raids I want to run just about anything with a group. Thanks in advanced
Scourge of my Past clans is recruiting! We are a new clan with 4 founders that are very active D2 players. We welcome all kinds of guardians beginners, pro, or casual. Everyone has different schedules so our goal would be to have guardians from all across the world. Once we have a good foundation of people we would start setting dates for raids. Everyone in the clan likes to do a bit of everything. Exotic quests, Forge, Escalation Protocol, Raid, Nightfall, Crucible, Gambit/Gambit Prime, the daily's, and random talks in our discord community! It's recommended to be active in discord. So that you get to know people and doesn't always feels like LFG. The requirements to join are.. 1. Must join our discord communit. 2. Be respectful to others 3. Must be active in D2 4. Must play with clan members (If guardian is unable to play then just let us know ahead of time) We are a very open minded group. If things aren't going well then let's us know. Always try and stay positive and communicate.