A way to help make comp a better experience for all.
I think Bungie should change comp's ranking to a more lenient ranking - fewer loss points and add comp bounties to help gain/ regain loss points. The old D1 crucibles have bounties that rank up the actual Crucibles rank, not the Token/ reward ranking at the Tower on D2. This may help bring back some players instead of driving them away.
Or change the comp ranking to be like that of Gambit - no wins, no gain. It is not the same as qp which still rewards players even if they loss the matches. It'll just take longer to reach Legend for players with lower skills but they will be able to progress and have a better chance getting the pinnacle weapon rewards too. This can bring a lot of players back. It'll be almost like y1 of D2 that didn't have punishable ranking system at first.
I know this may hurt streamers/ paid carries a bit but we really need to save Crucibles and make it enjoyable for everyone again.
Also adding a "Mercy" boons that were limited in quatity from D1 Trials of Osiris may help eleviate unfair quitters on players' team if matches were loss. This is just an idea if Bungie wants to keep the harsh loss rank punishment.
Bungie please read my ideas please?
Edited by beastbread: 3/19/2019 6:18:23 PM"paid carries" and "recoveries" have no place in crucible and need to be bannable offenses. Plain and simple. Now, your first idea is good but you second idea was exactly the idea I've been trying to get bungo's attention with. No points on losses. Bounties to earn points like in Gambit (granted these bounties would have to be more difficult ex: get a triple kill or wipe a team with your super, something of that nature). However, point loss should kick in after fabled is reached. That way everyone in their dog isn't running around with Not Forgotten by seasons end. That should be saved for the truly dedicated. But alot of people will not play comp purely because of the point loss function, myself included. I don't want to spend time playing the game only to have it literally taken away from me in the form of my progress. Especially if it's because of a team that cheated, or is far more skilled than me and my own fireteam because of the terrible CBMM that bungo employs. If I put time into the game, I should see results.