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I’m NOT trying to start a class war and have all three characters in the game. I’m also not trying to ruin anyone’s fun who mains a titan.
HOWEVER - The eye mask was one of the worst exotics to hit crucible and is still ridiculous in the pvp setting.
You need to bring other exotics in-line with this or do a proper job balancing it in the crucible setting.
[u]To the people who say “you need to win your ones”[/u]
It actively helps in every one vs one and you know when and where your opponent makes his play. Its like for tracer on steroids and laughs at any current warlock pvp exotic. You know your opponents position and when they will peak or expose themselves. You can watch them flank and then actively destroy them, gaining instant health and over shield to destroy and significantly raise the odds of deafening multiple guardians.
It buffs all neutral game for all subclasses and was wrist slapped in its supposed “balance.”
Eye of another world is basically trash (and always has been)
Foe tracer is trash after they introduced this crazy OP Titan exotic.
If you combine the husk and the foetracer people would whine like c-nts for moons to do you feel it can be justified for titans?
It was even worse before and was hardly touched in the latest patch.
Roaming supers with shielding was op as f-ck and now it’s still OP.
Buff other exotics or do a proper job balancing the classes and class exotics. I would honestly LOVE something this viable for warlocks and my hunter to have an exotic as strong.
Buff the stag so over shield energy can be taken from rifts and used outside the rift and combine it with the sanguine robes.
Watch people whine then <
Eye mask is not ok. Husk was not on the same level and copped a way harder nerf. If that was NOT ok why should an exotic that’s stronger get a wrist slap?
[b]Either balance it properly or BUFF the other class exotics to match it. [/b]
Agreed. Nerf Hunters