originally posted in:Clan Finder
Looking to get Invited to a laid back clan better if it is 18+ as I'm in my 30's
Hello! If you would like you should join TheRaptorPack. We are a pc clan with about 59 members. We are a chill clan that does raids on weeks and help each other out with quests and other activities. We would be happy to have you join are pack! Clan link- https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3733204 Discord link- https://discord.gg/aeTWcK7
Hi, We are a active lay back and chill clan and are grinding PvP and PvE feel free to join our clan and join us on discord. We are on PC on the EU server. Have a nice day Gardian, looking forward to it https://discord.gg/dnwNfUs
If you find one let me know 😂