wow it has returned. the guy who made that original post must feel really bad.
Failed post. Proper term is [i][b][u]Wat[/u][/b][/i] do
Edited by BusyBadger: 3/24/2019 9:24:12 PM[quote]What do?[/quote] Stuff the crust. And if they break out the hot sauce, don't ask questions, just go with the flow.
All pizza's are socialist that is why they become food and not politicians.
[spoiler][i]let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die![/i][/spoiler]
Let me ask my 5-year old transgendered-sapiosexual-pansexual-non binary nephew his thoughts about this issue
Edited by Furiously Dashing: 3/25/2019 7:01:18 PMI can't remember what the original even said now...
Try xbox.com maybe?
ask the boyfriend if he was stressed for a test that would be happening tomorrow morning [spoiler]cant believe people parodied this while i was gone[/spoiler]
[i]Not again...[/i]
[quote]Pizza is socialist[/quote]
Socialism haha
Oh god, I knew this was coming
Dead meme!
[quote] "Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged."[/quote]~liberty prime
put pp in pizza
What a combo
Go commit eat tortilla chip vertically [spoiler]Do it. You wont.[/spoiler]
Cool b8
Better call McCarthy
convert to socialism
Nukes usually fix the problem, you know, by wiping it off the face of the planet.
Ship it on a plane to Venezuela.