[quote][b]They Flood was corrupting and growing, while the reapers indoctrinated some of the calvary. They ate flesh as if it were bread and drank blood as if it were wine. Things did not look good[/b][/quote]
[quote][b]Lee looks around at the perishing heroes.[/b][/quote]
Lee: I will not let you torture my men any longer!
[quote][b]Lee charged up like Goku and a giant blast of light spread throughout all of the land. The Cavalry was now immune to corruption.[/b][/quote]
[quote][b]Lee was going to release an all out attack right there, but decided to wait. His army needed to prove themselves[/b][/quote]
[quote]9,408 Flood, and 897 Reapers[/quote]
[b][u]THE CAVALRY[/u][/b]
Rezzyl Air
[spoiler] Rezzyl air balled up and let out one final attack in his battle. A self destructed, but left a poisonous air where he was. It killed off a surprising amount[/spoiler]
214 Flood, and 21 Reapers
Pancake Monk
[spoiler][b][u]"ITS TIME FOR MY FINISHING MOVE!" He shouted. A giant pancake fell from the sky and crushed all around him and him with it[/u][/b][/spoiler]
123 Flood, and 32 Reapers
[spoiler]He Put on his fur suit and gathered his void energy. He charged up a blast of void and killed allot of flood. Though the void was too much for his veins and they popped out of his body. He perished[/spoiler]
321 Flood, and 0 Reapers
Snowy & Peaches
[spoiler]Peaches looked at snowy and said, "[b]Hit it![/b]" Snowy began playing all star on his piano. That sick fighting music made Peach nearly unstoppable, but a reaper got to snowy and killed him off. That made peaches extremely weak and he was killed by a flood[/spoiler]
451 Flood, and 121 reapers
[spoiler]Beep crawled out of a hole and looked twords the sky. "[b][u]BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP[/u][/b]" He screamed. The noise made the flood and reapers head explode. But one Reaper was able to stop Beep by saying "Boop!". Beep died instantaneously.[/spoiler]
223 flood, 12 Reapers
The Raptor
[spoiler]He gnares his teeth together and charges in with an army of raptors behind him. "[b][u]JUST LIKE WITH REGAN!!" He shouted. He fought a swatm of flood and killed many, but was killed in the process[/u][/b][/spoiler]
125 Flood, 0 Reapers
[spoiler]He summons a giant dune worm and eats up Flood and reapers. Though the worm came back and ate him eventually. HoTH was dead. Later he would be reborn as Paul.[/spoiler]
97 Flood, 19 Reapers
Tilman G
[spoiler]A Local Historian loaded his pistol and shot reapers only. He knew they were more of a threat. But in doing so, he ignored the flood which managed to take his life[/spoiler]
0 Flood, 21 Reapers
[spoiler]His old burrito truck was now turned into a van from mad Max. But charged in and threw burritos in the battle field. He killed many, but died when he accidentally dropped one in his truck.[/spoiler]
Kills 671 Flood, 12 Reapers
A Titan Squirrel
[spoiler]He put on his insurmountable skullfort & perigrene grieves and infinitely shoulder charged his way to victory. But a reaper hit him with a shotgun, so his streak was ended. Though his body was rigged to explode acorns when he died, so he got revenge[/spoiler]
231 Flood, 1 Reaper
Great Addidas & Xombiexronad
[spoiler]The Great Addidas and Xombie hurled cookie bombs on the crowd. They killed many and great Addidas went for a high five. But as he did so, Xombie faded away. He was just a light projection. Great Addidas fell to his knees in betrayal and was eaten alive by the flood[/spoiler]
917 Flood, 1 Reaper
Varvatos Vex
[spoiler]The whole battle he was shouting, "[b]GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/b]" He reigned havoc on his enemies and they feared him. But he end up falling on his spear. He kept fighting until he bled out"[/spoiler]
788 Flood, 45 Reapers
The Dragon
[spoiler]The dragon fought many but got bored and flew away to another planet[/spoiler]
67 Flood, 23 Reapers
[spoiler]He ran around in the armor of God killing many, but a singular thought entered his head and he fell down ashamed. He was killed, but his spirit ascended into heaven[/spoiler]
557 Flood, 211 Reapers
[spoiler]"Omega, online!" He flew around like iron Man and bop held on while shooting an ak. They were shot down later but they looked bad ass[/spoiler]
121 Flood, 21 Reapers
[spoiler]He ran around unseen slicing his enemies with his hidden blade. Though a reaper found him eventually[/spoiler]
71 Flood, 0 Reapers
[quote]The Cavalry was beginning to get into the groove of things, and few remained. On both sides. But the enemies were the strongest of all. The moon still moved closer but they still fought with all thier might and heart. This war was very Honorable.[/quote]
[spoiler]again, someone tally for me? Thanks.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Next part is finale, if you missed these two, you're probably in the next[/spoiler]
[quote][b]Lee Looked around pleased, he still meditated on the rock, preparing for pour his cup[/b][/quote]
[quote][b]4431 flood left
357 reapers left[/b][/quote]
(Credit to acro for tally)
*salutes in a English military style* So many different salutes [spoiler]was i in this? I think i was[/spoiler]
I really like how you spelled my name
Not many left now. Just a crap ton of flood
*doesnt see name, gets disappointed* *looks around at all my dead friends* *disappointment gone* [b]FOR THE MOTHERLAND![/b]
Pretty sure disciple has the most so far right? That’s a legit way to battle 👍🏻
Is it possible to join in late?
Edited by Tilman G: 3/28/2019 12:30:51 AM[quote]although gone you seem to know what Tilman would say[/quote] I like my death. Edit: also are we talking flood as in Halo?
Interesting observing the fight from the peace core mountain...
*luke waits in the backline, watching his friends die in his sniper scope, waiting for lee to aim his bullets in the right direction.*
All the sauces, ingredients, that radioactive waste in the back, some minerals and various other items that are probably rare or something else revives Kronos. “Wait where am I ? Oh right” Kronos goes back to his rampage.
Edited by Mandalorian16_1: 3/27/2019 10:17:35 PM[spoiler][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/251493846?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0]here is my good work.[/url] this may hold no Bering here though.[/spoiler]
Ring & I still haven’t made our appearance yet, huh? In the final part we go, then.
Edited by The Spoken: 3/27/2019 9:46:35 PM*Speaker senses the power of Lee, deep within the realm of Toasters flock, and remembers himself, Aod returns to him and their bond is rejuvenated, bursting through the walls of his prison Toasters painting shatters, and the Speaker of the Deep returns to Offtopic.* It is almost time, I must find Lee...
Oh crap. [spoiler]Did I forget to signup?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Sorry Partner, but You’ve Yeed your last Haw [/spoiler]
[quote][b]Yes, keep doing your [i]good work[/i]...[/b][/quote]
[well, my suggestion is currently to not let the flood pass you. They get past you, everyone in offtopic is screwed.]
Inb4 adidas
I may have blown myself up in the last part, but I am still very much alive. It's that whole "cant count them dead till you see the body" trope
[spoiler]well. Good thing there were a total of 11 of me. Now I get to figure out which simulation of me gets to be head Bopsheezi. If this is canon, I may have to make another post explaining why I'm still active. And try and salvage Omega. Though I guess it's not fair to the rest of the fallen if I'm just like "lol JK, I'm not dead."[/spoiler]
4431 flood left 357 reapers left.