My efforts to sleep have left my mind rambling instead, and my thoughts have brought me to this: “Why do I like sniper characters?”
I’m a shit sniper; I’ll be honest about that. Having said that, there’s moments where I’ve somehow managed to get three headshots in a row or landed a critical blow against the enemy in ways that I should not have achieved with my level of skill. It’s happened multiple times.
With that, I’ve gotten the idea for this thread here. If sniping is something I’m randomly good at, then what’s something you folks are randomly good at?
The primary focus will hopefully be stuff outside your normal playstyle, but If you’ve got interesting stories outside of that criteria I’m certain they can still find a home here.
I'm not very good at clone hero (fan made guitar hero/rockband), I only play on medium because I'm bad at switching to/from some notes/frets. But on occasion they'll throw a whole bunch of different notes really fast and I'll do the part perfectly even though I'm processing none of it. Similar thing in halo's swat mode, where I'll screw up aiming but I get a ton of quick swipe kills. I also used to be weirdly good with grenades, stickies specifically. I would piss off my brother all the time because he'd have the high ground with a sniper half the map away, he'd miss a shot and I'd turn and stick him. I'm just decent now, but I can still get frags to bounce where I want. Was genuinely surprised when I first heard that people thought reach's 'nade launcher was hard to use.