Before getting into the trenches of political warfare and technicalities I wish to announce my running mate for the 2019 Spring Election.
I want to thank...
[spoiler][b][i]Notorious Zbruh[/i][/b][/spoiler]
For requesting and to be my running mate! I hold Zbruh, or Zhenya as he's often called, to be a user of high integrity and one that I am proud to call a friend. This worthy fellow's accomplishments include honorable service for Off-topic against invading density posts and serving under the Triumphant administration. Zbruh holds the arts of shitposting, story telling dear and believes in the extension of the Off-topic court system which has proven very effective in recent months. I believe that with our shared vision we can bring an era of peace, or at least enjoyment, to all of Off-topic.
I also want to affirm for those who may not know that I am a loyal knight of Molasses. The day I came to Off-topic I knew the way of Molasses to be an honorable one by the conduct of its templars, prophets, and general good fellows. After my encounter with Bernthal I can proudly and confidently assure all that I will use my platform to defend the one cookie.
-Rebuilding of the Grand Army of the Republic.
-Abolishment of taxes on everyday life instances such as memes, gifs, YouTube videos, baits, and trolls, and that infamous link ending in [Redacted].
-Adoption of Nathan Fillion as a secondary patron figurehead of Off-topic after the Master of Molasses. A statue of liberty in the likeness of Fillion would then be construed.
-Development of the OT-CEF: The Off-topic Cultural Enrichment Force would be a volunteer force of upvoters who's job is to upvote posts that have the potential to progress Off-topic's goal of world wide recognition and so that we seem active lest the ninjas erase us.
=Below is the rest of my platform which some of you may have seen=
[spoiler] -Fully Recognizing the Senate as a Third Branch of Government with midterm elections set inbetween presidential elections. The Chancellor would be the third in line to the presidency and in case of the death, removal, quitting, or total absence of the immediate heirs the Chancellor is awarded emergency powers as head of state.
(The Senate was established in the previous administration but due to the tense nature of the happening I believe it would be best to make it official)
-I will instate a United Nations for all factions of Off-topic to come to the board and talk. I am in talks with an individual who will not be named unless they do choose to work out the details of the U.F.
-I will initiate tax cuts on scientific researchers and salt miners/Crusaders by 10%. Unlike real world politicians I have a place to get the money that we lose from less taxes from...In response to lower tax rates I will raise the rate of Crusading and Deus Vulting by 20%.
-Holding State of the Union addresses.
-Creation of Official Branches with jobs for the respective leaders of the branches.
-Increase to the Power of the Judicial Court of Off-topic. [/spoiler]
Are you suggesting the creation of an Off-topic pantheon? Like Bernthal as cookie patron, Fillion as something, etc?