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4/5/2019 12:22:23 AM

This Week at Bungie – 4/4/2019

This week at Bungie, we’re getting ready for some high voltage. A storm is brewing. Next week, we’ll kick off what we’ve been calling Arc Week. Our goal for this happening has been to take the element that makes our sandbox crackle and put it under the microscope. The most noticeable update is that we improved many Arc subclass paths from the time before Forsaken. The week will also feature Arc Singe and Arc Bounties to synergize with your updated abilities. To provide a proving grounds for all this new energy, Mayhem will be available in the Crucible to let you experiment with your enhanced Arc abilities using shockingly short cooldowns. Arc Week will also feature one of the most powerful Arc weapons ever created, the Thunderlord Exotic Machine Gun. If you weren’t able to complete the quest to obtain Thunderlord last year, you will have from April 9 to April 23 to revisit the Cosmodrome and add it your collection. [url=]You can read the rest here[/url]

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    13 Replies
    • Thanks for the updates to Stormcaller, haven’t had this much fun using the Tickle-Fingers since Taken King.

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    • I saw on the twab that some people believe spectral blades are broken and need fixed. Do believe it is broken but not in the sense that it is over powered. I thiink the subclass needs some work. The super itself for the subclass I feel still has some hit registration issues. As well as damage for the subclass doesnt feel strong enough. It should not take two swing to kill a standard guardian even with full master worked gear. Also I fee like the spike grenade needs some love. Doesn't need to become broken again at least viable to use every now and again. Thanks for listening.

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      • The sad part is no one will be using there ARC subclasses for mayhem except for a few Titans who like being nova bombed or bladebarraged in the face.

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        3 Replies
        • I can't pick up my Recluse now which i just earned today. THIS SUCKS ASS!!!

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          3 Replies
          • Waiting for each update and seeing which kind of new bug will introduce next. It’s way more entertainment than I have gotten out of d2

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          • So this is content? Patches and fixes that should of been released with Forsaken? Thunderlord a weapon you promoted a while back? What happened to you guys at Bungie? I’m not going to get excited from this. The game still has no incentive and meaningful loot to chase. Leveling to 700 is still the dull grind it has always been. Enhancement cores still need to removed from infusion. You guys still haven’t come up with another solution. I have a solution that might help. Tie enhancement cores to leveling. Every time you level up your XP bar you get like 5 enhancement cores. Nobody cares about these blaming emotes. I would trade all of them back just to get some meaningful content. You guys still are so locked on these vanity drops. I just do not get it. You guys just do not know what to.

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            5 Replies
            • Bungie: Our internal data shows that there are players with thousands of cores; therefore, we conclude that cores are too easy to obtain and we will be reducing all bounties that award a single core to now award a core fragment. When you have 10 core fragments, you can combine them into a single core. Players: ...

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            • This week at bungie... only a few of you get unlimited cores. That way the total core count in the game is increased. See they listened. Now there are thousands of cores available in game.

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              2 Replies
              • Arc Week is a joke. You sold a sandbox update as an event and added a few arc killing bounties to vendors (which wouldve came up in rotation soon anyway) All you see in Mayhem are the usual supers.

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              • First things first....ARC WEEK SUCKS. It was advertised like it was supposed to be greater than just having us "play test" arc classes. And purchase 3 emotes...btw... Second...and more important, enhancement cores. So....they don't seem to be of importance to you guys, UNTIL GUARDIANS FIND A WAY TO INCREASE THEIR STASH?? Then it's important enough to stop this process, right?????? You acted on this so a band-aid to a bleeding wound!! Couldn't have guardians "not grinding" in your precious hamster wheel huh! This is proof in itself that you were hamstringing us along the entire time. Along with locking the threads about enhancement cores and the issue of infusion. We are way past the "fool me once" stage. And anyone in denial and being a true fanboy about this, you are entitled to that. But this is garbage. Hot....trolling....garbage. And don't get me started on Thunderlord coming back, when it was supposed to be a one time deal...just to make it seem like this event was special. This even came out before Arbalest....smh.....

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              • Just looked at some of the % of how drop rates used to be. You guys at bungie are fuxking criminal man. 2% drop rates on stuff for seals. Unreal man im glad i didnt chase any of that shit like some of my friends did.

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                3 Replies
                • [quote]I thought we get some special Bounties like idk kill 1000 enemies with arc on Patrol or finish 20 strikes with arc or beat Raid Bosses with arc, 200 kills in crucible with arc. Something like this. Rewards would have been mastwerworked Weapons/Armor. Or higher drop rates for arc Exotics. Or at least powerful Engrams. But its just like any other week with the exact same Bounties as ever. Mayhem is as always Blade Barrage, Nova Bomb. Havent seen anything else so far. And in Gambit i will stick with Nova Bomb+Ahamkara Skull. There is really no reason to switch to arc Subclasses or Weapons at all. Bungie, you really dont have a clue how to do an Event the right way. Im really starting to think that all cool Stuff and Ideas came from Activision and not from you.[/quote]

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                • Lulz I just finished am ascendent challenge and got no lore. So much for 100% chance hahaha working as intended or bungie lied again!!!!!

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                • BUNGiE the pinnacle weapons disabling "temporary fix (lol)" has gone on long enough. re-enable them now regardless of what glitches may follow, I should've received 21% delirium exactly 24 hours ago and i still cant claim it because of some exploit used by a VEEEERRRRRYY small percentage of the player base and you guys decided to punish EVERYONE for it, regardless of what they did prior to the glitch being discovered. WOOOOW, one guy discovers a glitch within 4 days of update day and you decide to screw over every player in the game for it, what a great move. note that making mistakes is okay, it will happen at some point wether you like it or not, but you still must be as cautious as possible to avoid these kinds of situations.

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                • So we still cant claim the masterworked wizened we earned out of collections...

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                • Please unlock the pve reckoning, so I a non pvp player can access it.

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                • 2%. 2. %. Lols.

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                • That's cool we got 4 new catalysts but what about the 3 from faction Rally's? Honestly it's time to bring them into the game plz.

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                • Dear Bungie, The nerf to bottom tree dawnblade is EXACTLY the problem I have with how you guys "tune" supers. Slaying a ton of ads in pve, making strategic strikes to prolong my super, is what makes me feel, well... [b][i][u]SUPER!!![/u][/i][/b] There is no reason to reduce the amount of super energy returned per kill. Destroying waves of scorn in the rift generator pe in the dreaming city is SO MUCH FUN! Now I get why people say Bungie doesn't want people to have fun. You guys are really missing the mark on this one!

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                  11 Replies
                  • What about bottom tree Nightstalker useless in Pve and PvP

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                  • @Cozmo this isn't even a "event" it's a glorified patch. Come on if there's such promotion about this it should have things to do relating to "arc" and there not really.

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                  • This week at bungo we didn't do shit to enhance your playing experience just nerfed some more PVE stuff and left PvP the way it is since match making is wonderful. That is all. Next time prepare for a Luna and NF nerf.....

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                  • Are you really kidding us here. What a huge joke - Arc Week??? Where??? What changed??? NOTHING as usual. There is no arc week. Why waste the time and effort conning us when you could actually use that time to work on real content. This is an all time low for you Bungie. The super changes are a joke. They are nothing more than a cover up of you guys admitting you are unable to balance supers. Sounds like everything else in this lacking micron of a game. You guys must be on drugs if you actually think this is an event. Trolled again by the crappy game developers of Bungo. This is a new low for a group of already low developers. Sad

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by $cr0t4, $4cK 0f 0ryx: 4/9/2019 9:25:33 PM
                      when can I expect to receive my 21% delirium, and don't give me a guestimate. I wanna know down to the minute with 100% assurance when I can expect my hard-earned reward. I've already posted twice on this issue and I'm sorry to say Cozmo, but I'm not going to stop until someone on the development team gives me a straight answer.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Is there a reason you didn’t up the drop rate of the thorn lore books

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