Well .. I have playing this game since the release of taken king.. Completed everything and loved knowing all the lores and stories this game had to offer, but the most fun I had in this game is when shaxx shouted and complemented me over and over after a triple kill or quad or annihilation or we ran out of medal! .. It's the crucible! I love playing crucible and I can literally spend more than 6 hours playing crucible, but now I got restricted. It's known that when you write a text of 20 words you might get a mistake.. 50 and maybe two.. 1000 and maybe 5 or more.. And when I play crucible for this long a day I will definitely no doubt get reported once or twice or more aday just because of my playstyle.. Weapons I'm using and maybe.. Just maybe because of my connection as the restriction message showed.. I believe I'm a good crucible player and my playstyle pisses people off and make them report me not for the problem of connection as the message says.. Just because they want to report me. I've been playing this game for more than 2 years and restriction from crucible for 2 weeks is just so unfair. I know that restrictions can't be undone so I'm just here to say that restrictions must not rely on reports only because people go reporting everyone up and down easily. THE REPORT OPTION IS BEING MISUSED!
Bungie just don't do us like that 🙄🙄
If you had legit internet you would suck at PVP.
So you lag really bad and were restricted.... fix your internet.
You actually think you're so good people report you and Bungie based your suspension solely on that. Couldn't be you and your shitty connection, no way.
reports alone will not get you suspended. Bungie reviews reports and compares to your connection and gameplay data before placing a restriction. Most common restriction right now is due to connection being unstable. Here is bungie's post on the matter along with their tips for fixing it. [quote]Beginning soon, players with the most unreliable connections will receive an in-game warning. We know that connection quality is fluid, so don’t worry if you have occasional, temporary issues. If you receive one of these warnings, please visit the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url]. If your connection does not improve, there are additional guides available that can help you in [url=https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7871]diagnosing advanced network issues[/url]. If all else fails, contact your ISP for assistance. If your connection does not improve after an in-game warning, and we continue detecting a negative impact on other Guardians, restrictions from PvP activities may be applied to your account. If a restriction is applied to your account, you will be unable to participate in PvP for two weeks. If you continue to play on an unreliable connection that harms the experience of other players, that restriction may be extended.[/quote] ([url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47555]source[/url]) If for some reason you are not able to improve the stability of your connection, it is recommended to refrain from playing pvp activities as the negative side effects of your connection will lead to longer restrictions. [b]Bungie does not discuss restrictions or bans.[/b] [quote]Updated security policy and functionality so players who have been banned from competitive activities cannot access Gambit playlist[/quote] ([url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47677]source[/url]) *I am not a Bungie representative, just a player trying to give the answers that are available.