In an interview a few days ago, todd howard himself claims that fallout 76 has millions of players (most of which abandoned the game on day one) and is massively successful to this day.
After the lies, the horrible launch, the bugs and glitches and all the banning, todd howard at this point is acting like "this is fine."
Anyways, that's all I've got to say at this point
[spoiler]it's funny how the last fallout game got game of the year and fallout 76 was easily one of the worst game launches to date[/spoiler]
Maybe it was massively successful from a financial standpoint. I don’t know what the sales figures or micro transaction revenue is. Something can be a bomb critically and still be a financial success. If they didn’t spend much money making the game and it sold enough copies then it’s a financial success. Of course if I was Todd Howard I’d be more worried about the damage done to their reputation than how much money they made on a mediocre cash grab game.