Since Bungo recently said in the TWAB that they were looking at spectral blades , here's my two cents on the subclass .
To me , a good subclass is one which has synergy , it's a subclass in which each ability has its use and in which all elements play off of each others , creating some sort of rhythm or "choreography" in the way you use them .
Way of the wraith plays quite differently in pvp and in pve . Here are the problems with it currently :
[b]In PVP [/b], [spoiler]the only reason people use it is for its super . Indeed , spectral blades is too strong . When a way of the wraith hunter is out of spectral blades though , he's basically a regular hunter with a grenade and smoke which he'll probably never use and a passive which he'll DEFINITELY never use . And yet , flawless execution makes up half of the subclass' perks . In theory , it's actually pretty good , but in practice , you NEVER think about crouching in pvp . Even when you go into a match thinking "I should try and use that flawless execution mechanic" , you actually don't . I'd say most people who use way of the wraith in pvp don't even take into account the flawless execution mechanic . That's quite a waste . On top of that , the smoke bomb isn't all that good on its own . Sure it can help in some situations and create interesting combos (wombo combo) but it doesn't really hold its own compared to basically every other melee ability in the game .[/spoiler]
[b]In PVE[/b][spoiler] it actually fares better , but still isn't optimal . PVE being more laid back , you tend to use flawless execution a lot more . I love doing missions solo with my bow and just trying to be invisible the entire time . However , in endgame pve activities , wraiths don't really bring much to the table . All they have really is a sub-par melting point (because of the requirements for its activation) and lack the crowd-control and orb generation of regular nightstalkers as well as the damage output of a celestial nighthawk .[/spoiler]
[b][u]My suggestions :[/u][/b]
[b]- Reduce the duration of spectral blades[/b] as well as the "blast radius" of some attacks (because some times you kill people when you clearly didn't connect with them) . It's going to be hard to strike the appropriate balance between shortstopping/baby blade and killing targets you didn't hit , but I think it's necessary .
[b]- Get rid of the damage resistance[/b] when invisible during spectral blades . You're already harder to see/hit , so being even more resistant is over the top .
[b]- Triggering flawless execution should not require crouching[/b] . Just a headshot . That'd help make it a lot more present but more importantly it would make it a relevant part of the wraith playstyle . (maybe it'd bother some people to go invis everytime they headshot something ? dunno)
[b]- Getting rid of the extended melee range[/b] with flawless execution because , since it'd be procing a lot more often , it'd be a bit broken
[b]- Getting rid of the poisonous smoke[/b] effect on the smoke bomb and ...
[b]- Moving the shattering strike (melting point) effect from flawless execution to the smoke bomb [/b]. That would make it a viable alternative to melting point in pvp by being a ranged version of melting point (which is also based on melee cooldown) . In that way , the smoke bomb will deal the same damage as before thanks to the weakening effect , but it'd also make smoke bombs a more viable strategic tool in pve AND pvp . Perhaps the weakening effect shouldn't be as strong in pvp as it is in pve .
In my opinion those changes would shift way of the wraiths focus and selling point from its super to a more interesting , strategic neutral game with good synergy between the perks . You'd be using your smoke at the beginning of engagements to set up "traps" which would give you an easier time finishing off targets (since they'd be slowed and weakened) , giving you more time to get those headshots , which would then turn you invisible and allow you to start hunting for your next target etc. To me , that is the crux of what hunter gameplay should be like : not huge firepower or regenerative abilities , but being agile and sneaky with a good neutral game . With those changes , people would be less reliant on an op super and more focused on using that neutral game effectively .
Add to that gambler's dodge and something like ophidia spathe to have a more smoke-centric playstyle . Heck , it would even work as an indirect buff to graviton forfeit since you'd be spending more time invisible and have more use for your smoke bomb .
Feel free to comment if you have any suggestion on how to tweak this .
Or we could just kill it